Wirral Sub-Aqua Club was formed over 40 years ago - a few of our members who are very keen on statistics calculated that over the years … that’s an awful lot of diving hours! We just love to be outdoors and under the water.
If you have never dived before but want to know more about it, how about a Try Dive, or Try Snorkel or just call in to see us for a chat to find out more. We meet on a Thursday evening from 8.00pm at Neston Recreation Centre, Raby Park Road, Neston.
When at the recreation centre, we have exclusive use of the pool for diver training, snorkel training, Try Dive/Try Snorkel events, or casual swimming. We have our own club RIB (Rigid Inflatable Boat) and trailer, pool scuba equipment for training, and of course space for the socialising!
We are a club within the British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC), the largest diving organisation in the UK and the home of scuba diving and snorkelling.
So, if you have ever thought ‘I’d like to give that a go’, or you are already a diver and want to join a club, then we would be delighted to meet you…..
Check out our Facebook page to hear all our latest news!